A Personal Story

December 14, 2024

Read about how one person balances urban life with a passion for nature

Holiday Waste Guide

December 11, 2024

How can you limit your food waste this holiday season?

Kate's holiday leftovers menu

Food Waste in Canada

December 6, 2024

Ever think about the food we buy but never eat?

A Cycling Tour through Netherlands and Belgium

October 29, 2024

Read all about our contributor's recent bike tour through the cycling capitals of the world!

Urban Heat Islands

June 18, 2024

So what is an urban heat island, and how does it affect you? Click below to read more from our new contributor, Kate!

Harbord Village Residents Association Interview

Shu Yi Chu of Impact Net Zero sat down with Tim Grant, Chair of the Net Zero Project at Harbord Village Residents Association in Toronto, to chat about how residents can improve home energy efficiency while tapping into bulk buy deals and government rebates across the city.

The interview took place on February 24, 2023.


I'm Charles, a retired atmospheric scientist. We're here to talk about ‘net zero’ and what it means for Canadians.

I'm Charles, a retired atmospheric scientist. We're here to talk about ‘net zero’ and what it means for Canadians.


Webinar recording

On November 30, 2021 I gave a talk hosted by the Sustainability Consultant Network about my net zero journey. Click below to watch the recording!


What does net zero mean?

Net zero means consumers and citizens working in their communities to reach a carbon-neutral lifestyle and economy. It means we can have both a sustainable environment and economic prosperity.

What does “impact” mean?

It means matching our abilities to the right opportunities so that our actions have collective impact, from influencing friends to supporting green initiatives to lobbying politicians. The opportunities are plentiful and the need is real.


Read about the car-independent lifestyle of Charles and family

What does "impact" mean?

It means matching our abilities to the right opportunities so that our actions have collective impact, from influencing friends to supporting green initiatives to lobbying politicians. The possibilities are plentiful and the need is real.


Read how Charles' family and others have made an impact in their daily lives

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Tell us your story

Share with us your actions on carbon reduction that impact a collective in your community.

A mission of impactnetzero.ca is to scale up the impact of actions by consumers and citizens to achieve collective impact.

In Make an Impact, we share stories of such actions. We will identify partners who can facilitate such actions and their scaling up.

Please contact us if you would like to share your ideas with us. We may include your story in a future post!

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